Introducing: Wedding Planner Pro-Tip of the Week!

Hello Friends!

Welcome to what I hope will be a weekly installment of my favorite Wedding Planning Pro-Tips!
Let’s get started with a big one, one that comes in handy early in the planning process:

Wedding Planner Pro-Tip of the Week:

If you choose a venue that can be a unique and amazing focal point of your wedding, then the rest of your job is easy.

Here’s what I mean by this: a naked, or found, space can be really beautiful when dressed up with your unique vision. It can also be really expensive! Empty spaces - think hotel ballrooms or reception halls, or even lovely spaces such as The Foundry here in LIC - will need a lot of design love on your part (think lighting, decor, florals, etc.) to hide the fact that they’re simply a blank slate. How much work will you have to do to dress up the location?

On the other hand, a lush, beautiful garden with colorful florals and a view of the mountains behind you, or a vineyard patio surrounded by grapevines and already-strung bistro lighting, will go a long way in providing existing decor.

The more that already comes with a venue, the less you have to do to “spruce” it up. And you know what? Decorating, flowers, atmospheric lighting, pipe and drape to conceal beyond-basic ballroom walls - all of those elements add up, often times coming in at a much higher cost than if you had gone with the beautiful decorated space at a slightly higher rental fee.

Keeping your budget in mind, run the numbers on both scenarios. Often, you’ll get the most bang for your buck if you take into account the natural beauty and surroundings of a venue that comes with the package. This will keep your decor budget simple, and save you a ton of money and DIY hassle in the process!
